Testing (1989-1991)

Soon after its development, CAT’s founding engineers commissioned independent and detailed testing in England by Donald Harrison C.B.E., D.F.H., M.I.E.E., C.E. – an eminent Physicist, a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and a Chartered Engineer. Mr. Harrison carried out physics and nuclear research at the Atomic Energy Establishments at Harwell and Wintrith in England on behalf of the British Government. Mr. Harrison was subsequently appointed Deputy Chief Scientist at the Department of Industry concerned with scientific research programs in Industrial and Government Research Laboratories and is very highly regarded by his peers in his field of physics…..

Quotations from Mr Harrisons 1991 report are as follows:

“The vehicle fitted with the CAT protection showed a significant reduction in the rate of rust on exposed metal surfaces.”

“The CAT system may be even more effective in reducing long-term in-depth corrosion than the present tests would reveal.”

“In both tests, the protected rig showed a significant and clearly observable reduction in the rate of development of rust. Because both rigs were exposed to virtually identical environmental conditions, it was concluded that these results demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAT System in the control of rust”

“The main conclusion from the results of these tests is that the CAT System clearly provides a significant and observable reduction in the rate of corrosion. We believe with these test reports on the CAT System made on motor vehicles, rigs, and laboratory examinations using ammonium sulphate, salt, potassium sulphate, tap water and copper sulphate as an electrolyte, that the CAT System showed an improvement in the life expectancy of metal some 4-fold.”

– Donald Harrison (UK) C.B.E., D.F.H., M.I.E.E., O.E.

Ongoing Improvements and Salt Fog Chamber Testing (1989 – 2015)

Since the CAT technology was first developed in 1989 our engineers have worked hard to improve both its effectiveness and reliability.  Technical advancements such as the miniaturisation of electronic components have seen a reduction in the size of the CAT (Which is just as well since most modern vehicles have limited space for installing accessories under the hood).  The size of the CAT may have decreased but the power output has increased almost 3 fold and all this without increasing power consumption (still only 35mA). New manufacturing techniques and improved electronic components have meant the reliability of the CAT system is now so good that we can offer a minimum 5-year replacement warranty (previously only 2 years).

We have now sold over 80,000 CAT’s worldwide and the most important consideration for us has always been to continually verify the CAT technology does what it is designed to do – “suppress rust”.  It’s simply not good enough for us to rely on our engineer’s theoretical calculations or anecdotal evidence from customers.

The only scientifically controlled way to test the CAT’s effectiveness is in a salt fog and humidity chamber. We have therefore invested over $250,000 in our own testing equipment in order to do continuous testing and improvements of the CAT product. We regularly submit the CAT for independent testing to verify our own results and to ensure impartiality. The most recent testing was conducted in April of 2015 by SGS  – the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing, and certification company. (full test report available on request).

We have successfully tested the CAT technology over the past 25 years and specialise in this technology, so we are confident that our systems are the most effective on the market.


(Fig.1 Below - Factory Test Facilities - Salt Fog and Humidity Chambers)

Tests & Reports
Tests & Reports
Tests & Reports

Long-Term Field Trials and Real Life Observations

For over 25 years vehicles fitted with CAT technology have been reported as working with amazing success by many long-term clients including salt mining and fertiliser companies, major mining companies and fleet operators.  Many international clients from New Zealand, USA, Canada, Europe and the UK have also reported outstanding results over many years using our CAT technology.


Tests & Reports

C-Tick (Australia)

Australian EMC regulations are mandatory and apply to almost all electronic products. Application of the C-Tick mark signifies compliance with appropriate Australian EMC standard

Tests & Reports

FCC (United States)

Manufacturers who wish to sell electronic devices in the United States must have their products tested by FCC listed or accredited labs and certified by the FCC for EMC/Telecom compliance.

Tests & Reports

CE Mark (Europe)

CE marking is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985. The CE marking confirms EMC compliance.